Diabetes at animals/Why a special blood glucose meter for animals?/Blood from humans and animals is different/

Blood from humans and animals is different!

The distribution of glucose in the blood of humans and animals is diff erent. On the one hand humans and animals have a different PCV (packed cell volume, hematocrit) – humans: 37-50%, dog: 37-55%, cat: 24-45%, horse: 24-48%, that means that the number of red blood cells differs a lot between the species.
There is also a huge variation between the size of the red blood cells between the species causing a different distribution of glucose in plasma. At humans for example is the percentage of glucose in the red blood cells 42% whereas 58% of the glucose is situated in plasma.
At the cat (less and smaller erythrocytes) there is only a percentage of 7% of the glucose in the red blood cells and the majority of about 93% of the glucose is located in plasma.

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Comparison measurement between Wellion GLUCO CALEA and 3 blood glucose meters for humans towards a laboratory device

Blood glucose meters dedicated to humans showed partly huge deviations!

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